I was always under the impression that our
Legislature is writing the laws – not judges and/or arbitrators.
But we see daily what happens if some
power-hungry judges or arbitrators take it upon themselves to “INTERPRET”
the law – claiming they just read between the lines. It’s pretty
obvious to me that some of these folks are having a hard time
reading. They don’t “read” between the lines, they make up
wording that doesn’t even exist.
And when I hear from an arbitrator that
he/she just followed the ruling of some court, I start wondering
about the sanity of these folks.
lower court rulings don’t really count for anything.
Many of these lower court rulings are
overturned in Appeals Court – often for good reasons.
And if I see that lower court judges and
arbitrators have a hard time “interpreting” the written statutes
for “material alterations” I have to laugh. The statutes are
clear – and whatever certain folks consider as “added security”
is just a joke. Remember, statistics have shown that the bad
guys are targeting “gated” communities, because owners let the
guard down because the word “gated community gives them a false
sense of security.
Do you honestly believe that a “wall” deters
thieves from breaking into homes in this community? Or security
cameras that mostly create pictures of the bad guys that are
making the person in the picture unrecognizable? How often do we
see pictures of criminals in the news, showing them robbing a
store, with the picture showing some “figure” even his mother
wouldn’t recognize?
Let’s make it very clear: People move into a
community “as is” and should be able to rely on the fact that
their voice
s will