By Jan Bergemann

Published October  20, 2017


We’ll hear that a lot: Owners are upset – and are even willing to go to court over it – because a developer wants to change their VIEW – a view they even paid for extra. No more view on the 18th hole you paid for an extra $20,000 when buying into the community?


Yes, the ruling of the court in the Victorville West Limited Partnership v. The Inverrary Association lawsuit may help the “little guy” as Eric puts it. Nevertheless, the owners who won the lawsuit can already be sure about one thing: Their view will change – rather sooner than later.


So far – to my knowledge – all the cases in which property owners fought developers and golf course owners, the owners always lost the view in the end. Good property is valuable in most areas of Florida – and golf courses are losing their value real fast due to the fact that golf seems to have lost its attraction among Florida’s newcomers.


The owner of the golf course has many options to bring the owners hostile to his/her plans to their knees. In Tampa owners settled after the golf course owner stopped maintaining the golf course and made the appearance of the un-used golf course very unsightly. 


Paying extra for “VIEW” is a horrible idea. The view can change in a heart-beat. Did you see the stories about lakes disappearing because of sinkholes? I can assure you: That immediately changes the “Lake View”! Who are you going to sue then? MOTHER NATURE?


How about developers building high-rises between you and your “view?” Some of these lawsuits are going on in courts since many years. And what’s your argument to fight the building of this high-rise?



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Jan Bergemann Jan Bergemann is president of Cyber Citizens For Justice, Florida 's largest state-wide property owners' advocacy group. CCFJ works on legislation to help owners living in community  

associations. He moved to Florida in 1995 - hoping to retire. He moved into a HOA, where the developer cheated the homeowners and used the association dues for his own purposes. End of retirement!


CCFJ was born in the year 2000, when some owners met in Tallahassee - finding out that power is only in numbers. Bergemann was a member of Governor Jeb Bush's HOA Task force in 2003/2004.


The organization has two websites to inform interested Florida homeowners and condo owners:

News Website:

Educational Website:

We think that only owners can really represent owners, since all service providers surely have a different interest! We are trying to create owner-friendly laws, but the best laws are useless without enforcement. And enforcement is totally lacking in Florida !

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