By Jan Bergemann

Published November 22, 2024


No matter how you look at the statutes regulating HOA election procedures [FS 720.306(8) + (9)] it’s pretty obvious that our legislators took the easy way out and left procedures more or less to the governing documents of the homeowners’ association.


And that is the reason why election disputes are often ending up in front of an arbitrator, whose decision could then be appealed to an administrative judge (Trial De Novo).


These litigations can be very costly, especially since loser pays for all the legal expenses, unlike with recalls where both parties pay their own cost – no matter the outcome.


Considering the many problems this country has with all kinds of elections, I find it hard to understand that the legislators took the easy way out. Funny, they created very specific provisions for elections in the CONDO ACT [FS 718.112(2)(d)], but HOAs are treated as the stepchild in Tallahassee since many years.


After the disaster in the Hammocks it looks like more HOA statutes found their way to Tallahassee, but election procedures were not on the menu this year. But State Representative Juan-Carlos Porras (R-Miami) has promised to add more owner-friendly provisions to the HOA ACT next year. Hopefully election provisions are on the table next year. It’s so easy: Just take the language from FS 718 and you have provisions that are reasonable fool-proof.


Homeowners definitely deserve to have fir elections for board members, and not provisions were board members can legally rig the election to make sure they (or their friends) win again.


Never forget: Bad board members can ruin the private financials of each homeowner of the community!

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Jan Bergemann

Jan Bergemann is president of Cyber Citizens For Justice, Florida 's largest state-wide property owners' advocacy group. CCFJ works on legislation to help owners living in community associations.


He moved to Florida in 1995 - hoping to retire. He moved into a HOA, where the developer cheated the homeowners and used the association dues for his own purposes. End of retirement!


CCFJ was born in the year 2000, when some owners met in Tallahassee - finding out that power is only in numbers. Bergemann was a member of Governor Jeb Bush's HOA Task force in 2003/2004.


The organization has two websites to inform interested Florida homeowners and condo owners:


News Website:


Educational Website: http://www.ccfjfoundation.net/.

We think that only owners can really represent owners, since all service providers surely have a different interest! We are trying to create owner-friendly laws, but the best laws are useless without enforcement. And enforcement is totally lacking in Florida !

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