By Rafael Aquino

Published September 4, 2024  


As a leader, your primary role is to set the direction and empower your team to achieve the goals you've outlined. However, this empowerment requires more than just delegation; it demands that you give your team the space to do the work you expect of them. It's crucial that leaders establish clear expectations, but these expectations must be realistic, taking into account the team's bandwidth, financial constraints, and the operational challenges at hand. Without this consideration, even the most dedicated team can falter under the weight of unrealistic demands.

The Role of the Board: Too Much Involvement Can Distort Reality
For many community associations, board members are more than just decision-makers; they are volunteers who genuinely care about their community. This commitment is invaluable, but there's a fine line between being involved and being too involved. When board members become overly entangled in day-to-day operations, they can inadvertently distort the actual workload required to manage the property. While your intentions may be good, this level of involvement can lead to an inaccurate assessment of the management team's true capacity and the community's needs. Moreover, if the volunteer who has taken on so much leaves, the expectations that were built around their involvement suddenly shift, often leaving the management team to pick up the slack. This raises a critical question: Should the community's operational expectations hinge on a single volunteer, or should they be based on sustainable practices that the management team can consistently deliver?

Leading with Vision: The Right Role for the Board
As leaders of the community, your primary responsibility should be to provide a clear vision and work with the management team to gain their buy-in. Once the vision is set and aligned, the board's role should shift to oversight, checking in weekly and holding quarterly reviews to ensure the team is on track and accountable for their commitments. Too often, board members become frustrated by the amount of time they invest, but this frustration usually stems from chasing too many rabbits—trying to manage every detail rather than focusing on the bigger picture. Without a clear vision, the day-to-day operations can become overwhelming, leading to burnout and dissatisfaction.
Leadership with Focus 
To be an effective leader, especially in a volunteer-driven environment like a community association, you must find the balance between involvement and empowerment. Provide your team with the space they need to succeed, ensure that expectations are clear and attainable, and focus on guiding the community with a well-defined vision. By doing so, you'll not only reduce frustration but also create a more sustainable and harmonious environment for everyone involved. Leadership isn't about doing everything yourself—it's about setting the course and trusting your team to navigate the journey.

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As the Co-Founder and CEO of Affinity Management Services, Rafael P. Aquino leads his team to redefine excellence. They serve community   associations   efficiently

and effectively with dedication and passion. Rafael’s energy and positive spirit is the foundation of Affinity Management Services’ company culture, which instills enthusiasm and excitement when providing expert advice to its board members and relieving the day-to-day burdens of running a community association.


Since 2007, Rafael has developed a work culture that values responsive and high-quality services. He has led his team by following a proactive vs reactive philosophy. The same approach Rafael instills in the day to day operations of each association. Today, Affinity Management Services maintains its success and benefits as a result of the foundation Rafael has built and continues to foster by providing educational seminars, continuing education classes for association managers and board members alike.

Rafael and his team help condominium and homeowners’ associations save money and improve their communities. His calm, personable, and service-oriented nature helps him to establish strong relationships with ease. Rafael is known as a sincere and honest leader who looks out for the best interests of his clients and communities, and he strongly advocates for their needs. His role requires coordination and communication, as such he takes logical and intelligent steps to approach challenges head-on.

As a graduate of Florida International University’s electrical engineering program and a licensed community association manager, Rafael’s education and skills equip him with unique insights to tackle complex problems through critical thinking. He understands how each component within a system works together in order to effectively arrive at solutions, techniques, and conclusions. Therefore, as he manages the multiple challenges of running a community association management company, he understands how each property is its own unique system and tailors’ specific services to assure that all their needs are met.

For more information about Rafael P. Aquino and Affinity Management Services please visit or call 1-800-977-6279

Doral Office: 8200 NW 41st ST

Suite 200

Doral, FL 33166

Broward Office: 150 S Pine Island RD Suite 300

Plantation, FL 33324

O: 800-977-6279 ● F: 305-325-4053

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